How To Spot A Crash Diet

How to Spot a Crash Diet

Be on the look out…learn how to spot a crash diet!

Be aware when looking for a fast way to lose weight, you may get caught up in the empty promises of a crash diet. But before you jump in, you must know that there are severe restrictions on what you can eat.

Be very careful because the crash diet is one of the most detrimental things that you could do for your overall health.

These types of diets are unsupportive of long-term progress. They can cause you to crash due to the caloric imbalance. You are basically depriving your body of its daily caloric intake. Your brain is confused and fears starvation so it tries to store the nutrients instead of burning calories quickly.

Understand that calories are like fuel and if you drastically cut them, then what happens to your energy! Without receiving the proper nutrients then how will your body be able to fight off inflammation and disease….

If that’s not enough, it also significantly slows down your metabolic rate. Thus, making it harder to see ongoing fat loss or for you to maintain your weight loss once you’re done. You see, most of the weight loss is water not fat anyway.

Therefore, this level of dieting should not be maintained for any extended period of time.

Crash diets may seem like a quick fix because they claim you’ll get such fantastic results, but do not be misled. Fall for these unrealistic promises and you will be setting yourself up for future issues.

Let’s look at what to watch out for:

Crash diets call for fewer than 1200 calories:

For most women, 1200 is the minimum daily calories they should be eating. On the other hand, men should typically consume 1500 calories and up.

The focus is on just one or two food groups:

Never cut a food group out. Your body is in need of all three macronutrients (proteins, carbs and fats) to function properly.

They use unusual food combining or counting rules:

Avoid diets that have more rules than you can keep track of, it is one to avoid. Put your energy into developing healthy habits instead of trying to grasp this complex system.

They are extremely rigid:

Remember, a diet should work with your lifestyle. If it is stressful and difficult to stick with it, it will never be successful.

They require you to use a number of supplements:

Beware…No supplement will ever compensate for whole foods. Therefore, stay away from diets that that require you to take various supplements.

They use meal replacement shakes:

While these can be good on occasion, it’s not wise to drink them daily in place of meals.

They are low in protein content:

Your daily diet should provide a lean source of protein for each meal and snack you consume.

They lack a high amount of fruits and vegetables:

Since they are the most nutrient-dense foods, no diet should eliminate or drastically reduce them.

They tell you not to exercise:

This diet does not provide enough energy for you to stay active. Does it seem ok if you can barely exercise due to a diet? Then suffice it to say that it is not a healthy approach to eating, let alone weight loss.

Some have you consume only pre-made meals:

A good diet is one that teaches you to eat right in your daily routine so that you can maintain your target weight for life. Although it may seem easier, chances are it will be abandoned quicker than you think due to individual food and taste preferences.

Be Careful…Now you know

Living with immediacy in mind, you just want to lose weight as quickly as possible but you should absolutely avoid any and all crash diets. They simply are not going to bring you the true weight loss success you’re looking for, at least not in a sustainable manner. All too frequently, with a severe diet like this one you will regain all the weight back and then some after the diet ends.

A more beneficial choice is to follow a more moderate diet approach that provides wholesome nutrition and enough energy to get you through your day. Make sure it is realistic and has guidelines and meals that you can actually stick with.

Taking this wiser route will allow you to see far better results. Your weight loss experience will be more enjoyable and once you reach your goal weight, it will be easier to stay there.

Finally, if your ultimate goal is to lose weight, first maintain a balanced nutritious diet. Once that is established, you must burn more calories than you eat. This can be achieved with an active lifestyle and you will be on the way to a healthier life!